17 June 2012

Stitching Time This Week

Stitching Time This Week

What a week that was.
Was that really a week.
Really that was a week.
That was a week that was.

In other words - I've not got much to show for the week, 
apart from a weak chest from coughing too much, a sore nose and throat from sneezing too much, and a hungry family because I've been snoozing too much and not gone shopping.
It's flu season in NZ. and it's a "knock-u-for-six" stinker.

Anyway, I did manage to get 3 seams on my June CQJP done before flu stopped my play.

A crochet trim I made especially for this seam.

I made a Celtic styled woven braid for this seam.

And a weird combination of stitches here, including a V stitch exploration row too.

Hoping the flu goes away soon so I can get more stitching done next week instead of falling asleep every five minutes. 

Hope you are all keeping free of the flu.

Happy Stitching

I'm going back to bed now! Feel free to talk about me while I'm gone.

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